Saturday 7 August 2010

Movie: My Sister's Keeper

My goodness what a weepy one. It would be sad enough without being a parent, but now that I am it throws up all kinds of emotions. How far would I go if Poppy was that ill? The ends of the earth. Would I accept that my child was going to die? My first instinct is to say no, but that could mean not letting her live her life as she wanted. The scene where Kate is on the beach with her bald head, nasal oxygen tubes and blanket is so poignant. I hope that I could come to terms with things enough to see that she would be better off at home with family, not stuck in a hospital bed. But who knows how anyone would react in such an awful, tragic situation. How all the parents and family cope everyday looking after sick children. It makes me feel sick even thinking about it. Bleurgh.

But it was a good movie.

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