Sunday 21 February 2010

Feeling the need for a hobby

Why is it that men get to carry on with their lives and hobbies when a baby is born, but the women tend to fade into being 'mummy' without any other aspects to their life? I would really like to arrange a regular hobby or time to do something every week without a baby attached to me, like my hubby plays golf. With his shift work though one week he'd be here and the next he wouldn't. Was thinking about going to the gym but once I go back to work I'm not likely to want to go in the evening to make myself even more tired. It just feels sometimes that men get to arrange to do what they want, when they want, with the pretense of checking with "the missus" first making it all ok. Surely they must know when it's ok and when it would be nice to give the woman a break from baby, without having to be told "no" like we're their mother. And then if the woman wants to make plans it takes such an effort to arrange it hardly feels worth it.

All this is hypothetical of course.

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