Monday, 16 May 2011

Real Nappy Week 2011

Yes it's here again. This time last year we were still pretty new to the whole reusable nappy thing, I was pleased with myself for starting to use them and content with my limited product knowledge. We bought a set of Motherease One Size nappies and wraps, boosters and liners, nappy bucket and off we went. I wasn't aware of the HUGE range of cloth nappies available, varying in technique, sizes, fabrics, colours, wraps, fastenings etc etc.

Now that I am truly a bum-fluff addict it becomes difficult not to buy yet more with all the special offers on for RNW11. We don't need any more nappies, especially after my recent raffle prize win at the local Guiness World Record attempt for changing cloth nappies. So perhaps I'll restrict my purchases to a swim nappy or two for our upcoming holiday, and a pretty new wrap to brighten up our rather boring collection. A girl has to have pretty knickers on when wearing a dress and playing like a little tomboy at the park, right? Poppy is often to be found upside down climbing on something and flashing her underwear, yet another reason to be grateful for using attractive reusables rather than crinkly, smelly disposables....

for more information

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