Friday 29 January 2010

Please sleep a bit later tomorrow...

After distracting her with some sweet potato cubes on her tray i managed to get a decent amount of dinner into her this evening. It may have helped that it was pasta in cheese sauce, with a bit of beef & aubergine hidden in it. Also had some raisins and banana after she started refusing the pasta. As she didn't kick up a fuss she was finished eating by 6pm, so thought i'd try giving her some milk before bed too as she's been waking so early for a bottle the past few days and also taking up to an hour to settle to sleep.

By the time ITNG finished after her bath (after her dinner seemed to work out ok last night so continuing with that atm) it was about 715pm so took her up to the nursery for the bottle, in the dark and quiet. It worked a dream, she took about 5-6oz and fell asleep on my lap. Bless her she's not done that on me since she was really little. It did only last a few seconds as the dog barked and woke her again, but that was fine as it meant she was awake being put down. After zipping up her sleeping bag and turning on her music I didn't hear a peep! Yay! It has been wonderful having an evening off from going up and down the stairs to shush her, or sitting alone upstairs with my book doing it as can't be bothered to keep climbing the stairs. And eating dinner earlier than 8pm was nice too, as we find it difficult to relax and enjoy our meal until she's settled, listening to crying is not exactly conducive to good digestion.

Daddy's at work until 5am tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping she a) doesnt get woken up by him coming in when she may have slept later, b) doesn't wake for a 5am bottle as then when he gets in we'll both get woken up again just as we're getting back to sleep. And yes we will get woken as the stupid dogs bark like there's someone murdering one of us when they can plainly see it's him coming through the door.

Is it too early to go to bed at 9 o'clock? I feel ancient these days, between the continued lack of sleep and daily stress of feeding, alongside the joint pains I've been having for months, my body feels about 60 not 28. Had repeat blood tests today before seeing GP again on monday, but I think she'll refer me to a Rheumatologist as the anti-inflammatories have done nothing. Would be so lovely to be able to have a full nights sleep without being woken up by pain in my shoulders or wrist, then the 5am starts would be more bearable.

Listen to me moaning on again, let's look for some positives:
- Poppy has been walking on your fingers since Wednesday and today has been flying up and down the room, can hardly keep up with her. Perhaps she won't crawl after all, despite being so close to it for weeks, and go straight to walking.
- Holding onto the bars of the closed babygate into the kitchen and watching the dogs go in and out of the dogflap, looking through it like she was in prison!
- Clearly signing 'more' to me after one mouthful of Weetabix at breakfast. And signing it all day for random things that make no sense for her to want more of, she must think that she gets whatever she wants if she does it, bless her.

Ok off to bed BUT will read for a bit. God I am getting old. At least then I'll be away from the temptation of eating any chocolate ;-)

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